Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Scriptoholic :)

I can meet people in a sentence,in a word,or even in a letter I can love them in a sentence and hate them in another......and that's why I'm a writing-lover.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Just a Flower (December 4,2012)

As freshing as a shower
Full of weakness but full of power
Power of happiness that erases the sour
Within your hands whether a lover or a beggar
Ask me how can I get all that?!
I'll tell you...just a flower

We're Sorry Mom! (written on August 29,2012)

Sorry Mom for your loss
How can we compensate such loss!
We know how you feel
As if it’s not real
But God chose him
To be in Paradise
The eternal bliss
But forever him you will miss
Where’s my son?!
The apple of my eye
Please my little flower don’t go dry
I want him back
For God’s sake bring him back
I hear you Mom but do not cry
God saved me much laughter
And I’m happy forever after
If you can here me, I wish
I’m still alive, blood and flesh
At last I am making you a wish
Peace upon you Mom
Peace upon you Son

اعلم عاقبة اختيارك (11 ديسمبر 2012)

الاختيار ما هو إلا فرصة. فنحن عندما نفضل اختيار على آخر,نكون فى الواقع قد فضلنا فرصة على أخرى. والفرصة لا تخضع لصاحبها إلا عند قيامه باغتنامها .فيا ابن آدم لما تلم عليها وأنت من قام بالاختيار مسبقا! هل كنت تعتقد أنها باقية أبد الدهر ! تلك الفرصة المتنحاةلم تكن قط بمنتظرة. الفرص بالأساس هى نعمة من خالقنا بينما نحن من نتقن فن ضياعها.

لمّا كان آخر الزمان! (18 مايو 2012)

متى فاض البهتان؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
متى هان الإنسان؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
متى بالظلم ذبحوه؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
متى فى الظلمة أسكنوه؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
متى بكل وسيلة هدموه؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
متى صدق وكذبوه؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
ومتى كذب وصدقوه؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
متى من ولده حرموه؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
ومن دون ذنب قتلوه؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
متى اختلطت كل الألوان؟!
لما كان آخر الزمان
فما وجدت لها برهان!!
لما كان آخر الزمان
عجبا لك أيها الزمان!
ما تركت لنا عقلا أو لسان!!

 لما نعجب ونحن فى نهاية الزمان! وليس ذنبنا أننا قد ولدنا ونعيش فى نهاية الزمان

What a lie?! (written on April 30,2011)

what if it was a lie?!
The one which carried me high
where I could reach to the sky
Then brought me down to die
And all I had was a little try
A try to never a try to fly
But I can't fly
So I sent out a big cry
But nobody gave care
Cause nobody was there
I was alone
Waiting for the Dawn

Black (written on April 29,2011)

The green turned into black
Now nothing can turn back
I feel all this ache
As everything was just fake!!
And I wonder what action I must take?
When I feel like a cure for lack
Should I have a break?!
Or should I turn back?!
Finally I won't turn back
Cause amnot a cure for lack
I'm who I am
Standing like a DAM

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Reverse Osmosis System

Clean water is everyone’s concern. People have become sensitive about the safety and purity of the water they drink. Many of them resort to use desalination systems at home. The most common used technique to desalinate water is “Reverse Osmosis” or RO system. RO systems desalinate water through three stages: pre-treatment, reverse osmosis and post-treatment.
  A RO system may seem complex when looking at its colored tubes and multitude of filters; however, it is a very simple process to get desalinated water. First, the pretreatment of water takes place where Cold Water Line Valve pumps water from the water source for the RO system into the RO pre-filters. The water passes through a sediment filter to remove sand silt, dirt and other sediment. Then, this water moves to a carbon filter to remove chlorine. Using one pre-filter or more depends on the product water requirements and its salinity.

  Second, the water goes through the reverse osmosis process. In this process, the water is pushed through a semi permeable membrane. This membrane, being as thick as a cellphone, allows only the water to pass through, retaining all impurities and particles larger than .oo1 microns. Those contaminants are then flushed down the drain. Then the water is ready for the third and last treatment.
  Before the water leaves the RO storage tank to the RO faucet, it must go through post-filters. A post-filter is typically carbon whether in granular or carbon block form. In this stage, any remaining odor or tastes are removed from the product water. This process is required to make the water potable to the human use. Next, this water is held in the RO storage tank, of capacity up to 2.5 gallons of water. Finally, the water comes out, highly-purified, from the RO faucet which is usually installed on the kitchen sink.

  In conclusion, RO systems are very convenient. They consume no energy. They have low production cost i.e. they give highly-guaranteed water for pennies per gallon.